Saturday, September 8, 2012

A year ago today...

A year ago today, I took a pregnancy test. Actually, I took many that day. It started with the two you see above. Although faint and difficult to see, it was my first ever BFP- or Big Fat Positive.

Peeing on sticks became an obsession for me, and I took one each day after this BFP until the cheapie Internet tests ran out (I had bought them in bulk in preparation for TTC, or Trying to Conceive).

After all my research, and careful planning, including detailed cycle tracking (where I took my temperature every morning at the same time, checked my cervical position, its openness, and my vaginal discharge)... I couldn't believe we got pregnant the first month in. I didn't time anything on purpose.

But when it was 5 DPO (Days Past Ovulation) and I still had no signs of an incoming menstrual cycle, my cervix was high, firm, and closed, I thought maybe... just maybe...

I held off a few days, and woke up the morning of September 8th, 2011 very excited to test.

I drove my partner to work and came home to take the test "with only one question".

I was half expecting it, and half shocked. I'm still sort of shocked!

I uploaded the images, and inverted and enhanced them, to make sure I wasn't losing my mind. I ran out to the store and spent $40 on expensive pregnancy tests, First Response and ClearBlue Digital, and the cutest every teddy bear that I would use to tell DH (Dear Husband) the good news.

I took the Digital one and it gave me my beloved positive once again.

Later that day, I picked up DH from work and surprised him with a present "just because". He opened it and asked "wait... really? What? Is this positive?!" in disbelief.

And we began dreaming of our little one to be...

Best. Year. Ever. Can't wait for this one to top it!

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