Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm really, really super beautiful... ya dig?

I know, I haven't blogged in a while. I've been A. busy with life, and B. haven't had much inspiration for anything remotely clever lately (unless having to call a plumber to unclog the roots in my drain sounds like a particularly regaling tale).

I just read this article on Offbeat Mama, called "I've started telling my daughters I'm beautiful".

I think it's a must-read, but if you don't have time for it now, the gist is that your kids think you're beautiful, and as well they should.

Even if you aren't in agreement, "fake it 'til you make it, baby"... use your voice and tell them:
"I love this dress and I love this colour on me"
"My hair is fabulous today"
"Look at how big and beautiful you're making Momma smile right now! Isn't that pretty?"

Or, you know, whatever works. The point is: they think you're a lovely goddess. Don't say anything to counter that perception. And when I say goddess, I don't mean because of your most recent manicure, because you just got back from the hair salon, or because you lost all that baby weight. You're beautiful because you're you.

And, if you're not a Momma, you're still beautiful because you're you. Think about it... why do you love your friends? Your family? Do your love your Mom because of that makeover? Your sister because of her new hair style? Your best friend because she's lost all that baby (or other) weight?

No. You don't. You love them because of who they are, because of what they bring to your life and the gifts they share. Their love, generosity, kindness... their beauty.

So, before the world has a chance to beat the living crap out of their wonderful (and actually, perfectly correct) notions of beauty... before they get that first crushing blow that makes them think twice about their own beautiful bodies... tell them you're beautiful. Tell your Mom you love your eyes- after all, you got them from her. Tell your sister you love the body shape you both share. Tell your best friend that you think your matching sense of style is damn fine.

Don't. Stop. Telling them.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! We women, are for sure, our own worst enemies in the fight for self esteem. We have to make this shift, and we have to do it one beautiful person at a time. Kudos to you for starting with you xo
